Tag: work

  • weeknotes 21: just one more meeting bro

    last night i went to bed with a migraine and this morning i woke up with a slightly less bad migraine then decided to come into the office. this is going to be a brief one.

    monday, as usual, choir. going over “No More Tears (Enough Is Enough)” and “To The Moon And Back“. we’re in phones away going over the entire setlist mode at the moment. i had been worried that we’d get everything down in time but we’re truly getting there. tonight a subset of us are practicing Murder On The Dancefloor. i’m hyped. come watch us yeah?

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  • weeknotes 19: floorp

    it is the season of ending and decay and i really do not want it to be.

    and why he ourple

    i have switched from Firefox to Floorp.

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  • weeknotes 17: drift limits

    let’s get the not particularly humble brag out of the way:

    i spent friday afternoon driving supercars around a track.

    not these ones tbh. i was too excited and forgot to be taking photos or video of the actual cars or driving

    so for christmas my parents got me a Virgin Experiences voucher to go abseil down the big red spindly sculpture thing in Olympic Park. except when i tried to book it it was was no longer available. i was able to exchange the voucher for another Experience, and looking down the list it was like:

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  • weeknotes 16: loose fruit

    i fixed the rss feed url, you’re welcome all you rss nerds.

    i left my fan at the studio on friday. today was the hottest day of the year. i was surprised by the rain but at least surely it would make the heat more bearable. did it fuck

    i had an angry couple of days on wednesday and thursday. i don’t know why. i’m sorry everyone, you didn’t deserve it.

    good news: my work private health insurance covers shooting me in the face with lasers to the tune of twelve and a half grand. bad news: they have some specific laser shooty face people who are not the people who have been shooting me in the face with lasers for the last five years. i will miss you

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  • weeknotes 13: five dermatologists

    oh wow it’s actually joever, didn’t see that coming.

    we’ve been trying to diagnose a Weird Problem at work, the kind you’d see in breathless Medium posts or SCP containment reports. me, Ivo and Rowan had each spent a few days trying to understand what was going on before getting burnt out, and the CDN support engineers were clueless.

    on tuesday i got everyone together around the breakout area table in the office, trying out stupid things like editing the CDN config live to add more logging and point it to a temporary app i wrote and deployed in five minutes to log full request details we weren’t getting from the CDN logs themselves. by the end of the day things were pointing to the WAF as the culprit. the next day we narrowed it down with the help of a WAF support engineer to the WAF’s CDN loop detection (crucially not the CDN’s CDN loop detection, which we’d already configured our way around).

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